Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Guilty and Not Guilty

There are many things in life that make us feel guilty about something. We are always pressed by our own consciences when our deeds conflict with our own principles. Making amends for wrongs based on our own introspection and self-examination is a healthy way for us to evolve into better human beings.

The laws of our many lands often demand justice for wrongs done unto others by forcing wrongdoers to make restitution and to endure other penalties. Making an apology to another for a hurtful act is another way to demand justice from ourselves, one which furthers our advancement as evolving creatures whose choices include self-governing attitudes and the desire to correct errors before they become faults. These are the proper prices we pay for our misconduct and our misdeeds and it is the mark of good citizenship in a civilized and growing culture.

There is, however, a type of guilt that is thrust upon us by the errors of recorded history and by those who benefit from the proliferation of untruths about our rightful place in the cosmos. This is the undeserved guilt we all feel at times for simply being alive. None of us began our lives with the stain of wrongdoing. That is a lie perpetuated by those among us who fail to assess their own shortcomings, shortsightedness and misconduct. The guilt of being human and being alive is the brand they want us to accept and to display like cattle. Their desire to continue their lives as unfettered free spirits controlled only by their own wills makes them feel alone, fearful and resentful among those of us who strive for peace, harmony and beauty in the world.

Accepting undeserved guilt for the privilege of being alive will not only defeat all your endeavors and dash all your hopes and dreams, it will empower the worst among us to continue ruling our world and preventing it from becoming the paradise it was meant to be.

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