Thursday, May 1, 2008

Find and Secure Your Personal Zone

Nothing is gained by living a totally routinized existence. That is a way of life for animals and the only way they can survive, by repeating and clinging to a narrow pattern of life activity that offers security and predictability. But mankind was not intended for achieving mere survival alone and nothing else.

Finding a safe, workable zone from which to reach out and branch out is imperative for intelligent creatures who seek answers to life’s many mysteries and who thirst for adventure. Having a predictable pattern of life activity to return to or to fall back on is always the first order of business before any quest of the unknown can begin.

Find your personal safety zone and keep it in working order. Then reach out daily into the wonders around you, knowing that your own zone of safety and security is expanding with you as you grow and learn and truly enjoy the bounty of new discoveries.