Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas Bells

"Freedom rings loudest when every voice is heard." – Michael Casher, science fiction author, 11-30-09

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Expect Little and Receive Much

Unreal expectations are among the biggest barriers to enjoying your life to the fullest.

Anticipating an upcoming event may add to the excitement of the event when it finally occurs but expecting an upcoming event to be exactly the way you envision it will almost guarantee your disappointment.

Life's biggest and most memorable moments are those which surpass your modest anticipation or which surprise you completely.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Two Respects

Getting respect and earning respect are two different things.

Earning the respect of others for an accomplishment is the reward you reap for taking the time to learn something and then applying that knowledge in a manner that sets you apart as one who deserves respect for that endeavor.

Getting respect, on the other hand, is feeling accepted for who and what you are as a human being sharing a dynamic and diverse world with others. This kind of respect is an entitlement that should be a guarantee for as long as you live and never something you must earn. Being respected by everyone as a human being is something you simply deserve just by being alive.

Now that you know about the two respects, it is your turn to give them freely unto others whether or not they are given freely unto you. This is the real secret of respect.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


You'll never have to worry about looking a gift horse in the mouth if you never accept one in the first place.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Something You Already Know

Just because everyone's doing it, that doesn't make it right.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

15th Rule of Thumb

Always trust a first impression but never trust an impulse.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


When in doubt, dig a little deeper for the facts, and then keep digging until you finally hit the truth.

Friday, May 1, 2009

14th Rule of Thumb

A watched pot may never boil but an unwatched pot always boils over.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Life's Guarantees Are Written By Us

There are no natural guarantees in life except the struggle between the stark, cold reality of survival and the dream of paradise that lurks within us all.

Freedom is not guaranteed to any of us. It must be fought for and, once secured, it must be guarded with the highest conscience and the purest values we can muster toward its survival in the dynamic and evolving culture in which we live our daily lives.

Like freedom, peace comes with no guarantee of longevity. Peace must be nourished with a continued absence of conflict between ourselves and others and cultivated with the benefit of prosperity, which is the fruit of peace.

And when peace is harvested and enjoyed on a daily basis, alongside the prosperity that a lasting peace inevitably produces, a guarantee of freedom is being written for us each and every day.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

13th Rule of Thumb

There are no free rides in life, only freeloaders.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Making A Difference

The desire to understand the differences between you and other people is a mature attitude that can be either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on why you seek that understanding. Understanding someone and liking someone are not the same thing.

People come in all sizes and shapes, with looks that vary from individual to individual. Each person has a background that is as colorful and varied as the next person. The trails they leave behind them as they live their lives show us what origins nature and unseen forces have given them, as well as the choices they have made in life and the desires they have pursued.

No one can judge what nature has bestowed on others and no one should judge the choices others make in life, short of those choices which trespass the laws of man. To seek understanding simply for the purpose of acceptance or condemnation is a self-serving futility and not an act of service unto mankind. Knowing this is the first step toward understanding the allowable differences between people. Accepting others for what they are and for what they do, when they are law-abiding people who are merely different from you, is making a positive difference in the world in which we live.

Understanding is not required for acceptance. Accepting the differences in others without complete understanding of those differences is an achievement for the spirit that dwells within you and a victory for us all, as human beings sharing a dynamic and diverse world.