Friday, June 25, 2010

A Well-Founded Suspicion

Most traditions and customs are options, not requirements, for living your life.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Hidden Cost of Freedom

The price of freedom is manifold. In order to gain freedom people must sometimes fight for it and die so that others may obtain it. Once obtained, many more will fight and die so that freedom will continue ringing its bell of liberty for everyone.

But freedom carries a hidden price tag once it is obtained. Freedom's hidden cost is one that many people fail to see but a price that must be paid nonetheless. This hidden cost must be satisfied in order to assure real freedom for everyone and not mere servitude to authority in exchange for peace and prosperity.

In order to gain real freedom you must always question authority and you must always be ready to challenge authority when you think that authority it is not in everyone's best interests. Paying freedom's hidden price is not only the duty of every citizen in a free society, it is the hidden mark of a man or a woman who values and seeks freedom for others and who cherishes his or her own.